ICBIE Lesson for Bartenders
AULA DE DRINQUES E COQUETEIS NO ICBIE Sábado, 15/12, o ICBIE organizou, em parceria com...
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Festival of Food and Culture in Ribeira
FESTIVAL GASTRONÔMICO DA RIBEIRA E CORTEJO CULTURAL Foi um sucesso o I Festival Gastronômico da...
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New Offerings
Next Saturday the ICBIE will be hosting two mini-courses offered by the National Service for...
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Lunch at Paranaguá’s
Our dear friend Paranaguá sent this sweet note.  (English translation below) "Ontem (dia 6), recebemos...
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Visio Pontos Show at the ICBIE
INAUGURAZIONE VISIO PONTOS (English translation below) L´inaugurazione del Festival Visio Pontos all´ICBIE ha avuto un...
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Party Time for ICBIE Europa!
Starting at 8 PM tomorrow night, ICBIE Europa will celebrate with its Roman friends at...
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Donated Computers
DONAZIONE COMPUTER (English translation below) Da alcuni mesi il nostro laboratorio di informatica non era...
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Captains of the Sand at Tonight’s Cineforum
As part of this month's cycle dedicated to contemporary Brazilian cinema, tonight's ICBIE Cineforum presents...
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Where’s the Beauty? – Photography by Marco Illuminati
Marco Illuminati is a dear friend of the ICBIE in Salvador.  His passion for photography...
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