On July 19, this past Tuesday, the ICBIE received a visit from a group of young artists and cultural producers from Colombia, the Candilé group (@candileorg), accompanied by the young people of Reprotai (@reprotai), long-time partners of the ICBIE. Marcella told them the history of our Institute, explained the objectives of our activities, explained a little about the reality of the territory of the Itapagipe Peninsula and led the group through the spaces of the association, from the Library to the Piccola Ribeira.
Candilé is a non-profit cultural organization, based in Cartagena (Colombia) and active for 28 years, which aims to rescue, preserve, develop, disseminate, and teach Afro-Colombian dances and music.

This project of cultural and social exchange with the local Reprotai (Network of Protagonists in Action of Itapagipe) was born in the framework of the participative action-research of the doctoral project of Valerie Gruber (Germany) and culminated with the exhibition “Malunga”, a presentation of dances, music, poetry and much more, which took place on the evening of July 19 at the Luiza Mahin Community School in the Uruguai neighborhood, where Marcella and Loona were present, representing the ICBIE and honoring this important meeting of Latin American cultures.