Bridge to Bahia – AOSR & ICBIE

Bahian Invasion at the AOSR Mayfair
For the fourth consecutive year, the Mayfair at the American Overseas School of Rome hosted a table for Bridge to Bahia, the school's community service project that helps the ICBIE.  Four AOSR teachers, Roy, Rosa, Daniele and Louise, passed out...
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ICBIE Drawing Classes Kick Off
(English translation below) Graças ao apoio constante da AOSR (American Overseas School of Rome), foi permitido que neste último sábado,13 de março, fossem reabertas, gratuitamente, as aulas dos cursos de Desenho de Observação e Técnicas Artísticas para jovens e adultos...
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Full Report of the ICBIE European Tour
(English translation below) Intercâmbio cultural: Parceria de novos projetos de inclusão social Durante a viagem de intercâmbio cultural, promovida pelo Instituto de Cultura Brasil Itália Europa (ICBIE), no período de 19 a 29 do mês de abril, entre a Secretaria...
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Closing Party for the Alagados Photo Show in Rome
  Festa di chiusura della mostra ALAGADOS – 25 aprile ad Off!cine del Pigneto Ancora un’altra serata all’insegna di musica e cultura brasiliana. La festa di chiusura della mostra Alagados curata da ICBIE Europa presso Off!cine del Pigneto è stata...
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More Buzz in the Press
After the big splash in The International Educator, the same story about the Bridge to Bahia project has now been published in the other principal periodical read in all the English-speaking international schools.  NewsLinks is published by a company called International...
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The President’s “State of the ICBIE” Address
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  (English translation below) L’inaugurazione del Progetto Oficina di Rua E' con grande piacere che vorrei dare un annuncio finalmente positivo per il Progetto D'Artagnan Scuola Internazionale di arte e lingue dell'ICBIE, informando sia la nostra comunità locale che quella...
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A Splash in the Press
The International Educator is distributed worldwide to English language international schools, where it is avidly read by teachers and administrators, thanks to its huge collection of job offerings, plus plenty of gossip about hirings, firings, promotions and awards.  The December...
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Santa Arrives in Massaranduba
, The economic crisis weighs on everybody, but the ICBIE continues to sieze every opportunity to bring hope and joy to the local community.  To celebrate Christmas, Pietro became Babbo natale and led an expedition into the distressed neighborhood of...
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Paranaguá’s Memories of Europe
BAIANOS EM ROLÊ NA EUROPA Esse foi o título da matéria publicada na Revista Graffiti, edição nº 44, páginas 20 e 21, veiculada no mês outubro, alusiva a viagem de intercâmbio cultural, realizada em abril deste ano, por um grupo...
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Bridge to Bahia – Bigger than Ever
Thanks to the ongoing support of administration, faculty and students, the Bridge to Bahia project at the American Overseas School of Rome has grown steadily since its inception two years ago.  The school community has become familiar with the ICBIE...
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