Bridge to Bahia – AOSR & ICBIE

The First Operative Meeting of ICBIE Italia
Primo incontro operativo ICBIE Italia E si finalmente ce l’abbiamo fatta! Ieri 2 ottobre il comitato ICBIE Italia, o almeno parte di esso, si è riunito per un incontro davvero operativo nella nostra nuova fantastica sede italiana. Grazie alla dedizione...
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Bahia Graffita: International Meeting
The ICBIE's largest cultural encounter is all organized, and it's ready to start on Saturday.  Planning only began about six weeks ago, and the groundwork was difficult, trying to reconcile the astounding response from hundreds of street artists all around...
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An Italian ICBIE Night on the Beach
To celebrate the opening of an ICBIE office in Rome, our Italian supporters, brilliantly led by Monica Bernardi, served up the biggest Roman ICBIE gathering ever seen.  The venue was perfect: after a solid week of stiflingly hot weather, the...
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Keeping It Fresh – Continuity in English Studies
The ICBIE is finally enjoying a lucky streak in its English courses.  Whereas our Italian program, thanks to the ongoing efforts of Marlene and Pietro, has proceeded continuously since we opened, achieving spectacular results that have made it the finest...
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ICBIE meets the Pan American School of Bahia
This morning, Pietro and Roy drove over to the Pan American School of Bahia to meet with the Headmaster Dennis Klumpff and the Community Service Director Maria Mandolini.  By a fortuitous coincidence, PASB and the American Overseas School of Rome...
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English Diplomas – Thank You Louise!
Last night, Louise Audette's English courses arrived at the finish line, and we had a diploma ceremony, followed by a reception with proud parents and friends.  These events are always emotionally charged moments, because our visiting instructors forge such deep...
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New Zest and Zeal
Enthusiastic new teachers add a big jolt of precious energy that keeps the ICBIE community motivated.  Educators who come from affluent countries get swept into the simple pleasures of the happy Ribeira locals, and they cannot fathom the delight of...
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First Impressions from Louise, Our New English Teacher
OK - This is the first time that I have been to Brazil and I have the greatest classes of people - so very diverse, young 14 and old 61. Students and teachers, mothers and fathers, all together speaking English....
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A Flurry of Comings and Goings
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It's that time of year; schools are out in the northern hemisphere, and it seems like everyone is flying all over the world, despite the economic pinch and stratospheric fuel costs.  Just to keep track of everyone is quite a...
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Salvador Grafita Artists at AOSR
Yesterday morning, when Pietro and the three Brazilians entered the school gates, it was like a homecoming. With its Bridge to Bahia project now in its second year, The American Overseas School has built a thick web of friendships with...
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