
A Visit to the Embasa Archeological Museum with Paranaguá
On Monday afternoon, three "illustrious" members of the ICBIE team were treated to a guided tour of the Salvador water works and the Embasa Archeological Museum by our dear friend Paranaguá, who just happens to be the director of the...
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All Our Busy People
As the ICBIE saga progresses through year after challenging year, the greatest satisfactions come from the the people who are part of our passionate community.  With the rewards that they inevitably reap, out there in the real world, we rejoice....
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Spray for Japan
Once again, thanks to the ever-vigilant Paranaguã, we can enjoy these great pictures from Nova10Ordem's big art project commemorating the tragedy in Japan, divided between human solidarity and anti-nuclear protest. Grafite solidário e de protesto Foi um sucesso o mutirão “Spray for...
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The City of Gold
Jacobina: cidade do ouro Recentemente estive no município de Jacobina acompanhando os serviços de sondagem arqueológica realizados pela equipe da arqueóloga Leila Almeida, durante as obras da Embasa para implantação da rede do sistema de esgotamento sanitário da cidade. Trezentos...
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Happy Birthday, Salvador!
On this day in 1549, a fleet of Portuguese settlers headed by Tomé de Sousa, the first Governor-General, established the city of Salvador as the capital of Brazil.  Happy Birthday number 462!
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Spray for Japan
(English translation below) A ação nasce após o artista urbano Júlio Costa receber uma imagem com a  frase “Pray for Japan” que significa Reze pelo Japão. Para quem tem super afinidades com o graffiti, a palavra Pray remeteu imediatamente a...
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The Egyptian Connection
Like everyone else, people at the ICBIE have been watching the exciting developments in North Africa, but as always, we go a little deeper into the subject, favoring an active role to passive observation.  As the ICBIE Honorary President, I...
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Mosaics and Good Friends
Last September this blog featured a big article about our budding friendship with Roberto Corradini, the Italian artist and mosaic-master, and his wonderful school in Mata Oscura.  Since then, plans have moved forward and there is exciting news. Roberto spent...
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A Party, A Visit and a Happy Couple
Here is a mixed bag of news from the summer in Bahia, starting with a wonderful, feel-good story.  For years, Pietro has been friends with a very impressive local man named Cau, a fellow who garners instant respect, not only...
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Sculpture for Better Driving
Escultura alerta para a violência no trânsito Uma escultura em forma de crucifixo feita com sucatas de carros e uma mensagem de paz no trânsito, além de inscrições grafitadas, desperta a atenção de transeuntes que circulam pela Avenida Luiz Viana...
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