
An Open Letter from Julio & Bigode to their Italian Friends
scuazate per il italiano rustico rupestre um bacio Noi abbiamo molto a dirvi, a tutti quanti que anno fatto la nostra giornata per itália molto pio vivacia e piena di alegria, scuzate il nostro modo rústico e senza educacione, pero...
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October 3rd and into the Future
Ciao a tuttti. Posso dire che c’ero, c’ero anche io!!! Dopo la piacevole scoperta dell’ICBIE a Salvador devo ammettere che è stata un’altrettanto picacevolissima sorpresa scoprire l’ICBIE in Italia. Anche qui si muove un gruppo nutrito di gente entusiasta e...
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Julio & Bigode Are Off to Conquer Italy!
In a few hours, our great young artists will be taking off for Rome and it's easy to imagine their excitement. For the ICBIE and for Pietro and Marlene, too, this is a moment to be remembered, when our first...
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A Touching Testimonial
This wonderful letter just arrived. It was sent as a comment to Pietro's article 'Return to Bahia,' which was posted last July. To leave it buried at the bottom of the archives would be a pity, as it is a...
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buon ferragosto!!
ciao a tutti! Come sapete, in Italia il 15 di agosto rappresenta un po' il culmine delle vacanze (o delle ferie, per chi ha un lavoro) estive. Tutt'altro avviene in Brasile, dato che da voi è...inverno (?!). Nonostante ciò, mancando...
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A Musical Interlude
Pietro and Roy took some time off from ICBIE campaigning to spend a weekend at an important Italian music festival, because our great mentor, the musicologist and critic Mario Bortolotto, was being celebrated with a series of conferences and concerts:...
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Arrivederci Ribeira!
I have less than 24 hours left in Ribeira; sadly, by tomorrow at this time, I will be at the airport in Salvador, waiting to board the flight back to Rome. I have just one more night of listening to...
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Hi, I am Luka Mestrovic, a student at AOSR. I would just like to say something about this project. The first time when I attended the ICBIE meeting in my school it looked like it would never start. It looked...
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