ICBIE news

Our Hostel Has a Website!
  As announced earlier, our hostel is up and running—and in need of visitors!  There is now a dedicated website, in Italian, English and Portuguese: http://hostelpiccolaribeira.com/ In order to drum up some business, we have registered with various sites where...
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Mosaics and Good Friends
Last September this blog featured a big article about our budding friendship with Roberto Corradini, the Italian artist and mosaic-master, and his wonderful school in Mata Oscura.  Since then, plans have moved forward and there is exciting news. Roberto spent...
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A Party, A Visit and a Happy Couple
Here is a mixed bag of news from the summer in Bahia, starting with a wonderful, feel-good story.  For years, Pietro has been friends with a very impressive local man named Cau, a fellow who garners instant respect, not only...
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ICBIE ‘Capoeiristas’
As always, even in the middle of the Bahian summer vacation, there's still plenty of news coming out of the ICBIE.  While most people loll at the beach or prepare for Carnival, Marcella and her fiancé Ivanildo have worked hard...
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Pietro, D’Artagnan & ICBIE in the News!
This is a great surprise.  In today's edition of Il Foglio, a daily Italian newspaper, there is a full two-page centerfold article about D'Artagnan and Pietro, showing how their friendship led to the foundation of the ICBIE.  What a perfect...
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Five Years and Still Kicking!
Five years ago, the ICBIE celebrated its inauguration, opening its doors to the community of Salvador's cidade baixa.  Looking back at the inauguration brochure, and re-reading the original mission statement, it's fascinating to see how faithfully the Institute has adhered...
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Santa Returns to Massaranduba
Once again this Christmas, Pietro donned his red clothes and gathered the ICBIE friends (Veronique, Marcella and Ivanildo, Alberto,  Marcos, Bigode and little Ikaro) for an afternoon of gift-giving in the streets of Massaranduba, bringing a lot of joy to...
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Pousada Piccola Ribeira Opens in January
Vorremmo informarvi che l´ostello, fin ora utilizzato piú che altro come foresteria per i volontari dell´Associazione, a partire da gennaio 2011 si stacca completamente dall´ICBIE per trasformarsi in Pousada Piccola Ribeira. Questa divisione nasce essenzialmente dalla necessitá di separare chiaramente...
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Happy Times in Rome
Last night's AperiSAMBA party brought together another big crowd of Roman ICBIE supporters.  It's wonderful to see so many people faithfully coming out for our cause, but the best part is seeing all the joyous revelry that ensues, as the...
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Reminder: ICBIE Party Tomorrow Night in Rome!
Get in the holiday spirit (or pleasantly wind down from a long day on the streets protesting the government cuts in education) with some warm Brazilian music.  The year's final event in support of the ICBIE Europa ONLUS will begin...
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