
Support for the Stilt-House Band
SOSTEGNO ALLA BANDA PALAFITAS Grazie alla donazione che la nostra grande Monica Bernardi ha raccolto in occasione del Battesimo di Diego - suo figlio nonché mascotte ICBIE - siamo riusciti a dare un piccolo aiuto economico alla Banda Palafitas di...
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ICBIE Cineforum: Quincas Berro D’água
One of this year's finest Brazilian films will be shown at tomorrow's ICBIE Cineforum.  Based upon a 1959 short story by Jorge Amado, the film is set in the city of Salvador and recounts a surreal story about a man...
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At Last, a Tight Bond with the U.S.A.
(Italian & Portuguese translations below) Our Institute survives only with solid support from abroad. Without the help that we receive from ARCI, for example, we would not have had the resources to build and operate our computer lab and, thanks...
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Weapons of Mass Reconstruction
Júlio has been at it again. Working together with the French artist Boule Rouge and Emol from São Paulo, during three weeks they painted various locations in Massaranduba and, at the same time, they filmed it, providing the material for...
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Registration Is Open for New English Courses
ISCRIZIONI APERTE PER IL CORSO DI INGLESE (English translation below) Aspettando l´arrivo della nostra nuova insegnante di inglese, Miriam Murphy, ancora un´altra volontaria proveniente dalla "American Overseas School of Rome", l´ICBIE apre le iscrizioni per i corsi di inglese. Le...
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ICBIE Cineforum: Good Bye Lenin!
Tonight's Cineforum will present a farcical German film that focuses on the changes in East Germany after the fall of Communism through the story of a fervent hardliner who has a heart attack after seeing her son participating in protest...
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ICBIE Cineforum Tonight: Four Days in September
A dramatic moment in recent Brazilian history is the backdrop for tonight's film, which also has different names, depending on the language version.  In Portuguese, it's O que é isso companheiro? ("What is it, Comrade"), while in English it goes...
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Building an Environmental Conscience
PALESTRA “USO SUSTENTAVEL DOS RECURSOS NATURAIS” – 4 SETTEMBRE 2010 (English translation below) L´incontro di sabato scorso, 4 settembre, realizzato all´ICBIE sul tema “Uso sostenibile delle risorse naturali” é stato aperto da una piccola rappresentazione teatrale della Compagnia Piccola Cia...
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For ICBIE Drawing Classes, It’s Boomtime!
CORSO DI DISEGNO II SEMESTRE 2010 CON IL SOSTEGNO DELLA AOS DI ROMA Il II semestre del corso di disegno di osservazione conta un grande successo di iscritti. Il nostro valido insegnante Geisiel oltre a continuare le sue lezioni con...
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A New Promotional Video on YouTube
After so many successes during the past seven years, it's easy for us to assume that everybody knows all about the ICBIE and its work in Salvador, but, of course, that's not true.  So, especially considering our ambitious plans for...
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