Among the various denominations that are used in the Portuguese language to designate Salvador is that of “Roma Negra.” The most likely origin of the term is credited to the priestess Mãe Aninha, founder of one of the city’s oldest terreiros, and was intended to underline the fact that, just as the Eternal City is the center of Catholicism, Salvador is the undisputed fulcrum for the cult of the Orixás. And a bit of Bahia could be found in Rome last Friday, the 14th of November, at the annual festival that ICBIE Europe held at the Spin Time Labs. Once again, as in analogous initiatives realized during recent years, the two capitals were linked together, albeit ideally, for a long night, in order to introduce and support the activities that ICBIE has in the pipeline, both in Salvador and in Rome, and to recruit new members to our team. Coming just a few days after the relaunching of ICBIE Europa (of which much has recently been written in this blog), the festival was made possible thanks to the combined efforts of Loona, Monica, Paolo, Roberto, Gianpietro, Damiano, Guido and Pina, but also thanks to the newcomers: Lars, Cristina, Nicole, the two Federicas, Silvia, Caterina and Irene.
All the ICBIE supporters who attended were satisfied with the gratifying outcome of the evening. Many were the artists who contributed: singers, actors and dancers (who we won’t cite in detail, so as not to overly clutter this post). There was even a performance by a capoeira group that was greatly appreciated by the audience. Furthermore, also in attendance was the founder and artistic director of ICBIE Salvador, Pietro Gallina (who, among other things, enjoyed the thrill of reuniting with many of his formal students from the Socrates Liceo, who flocked to the Spin Time Labs to honor their unforgettable professor, the man who introduced them to the magic of theater performance). Also present were two of ICBIE’s most ardent supporters, Salvatore Dimino, who came all the way from Sciacca, Sicily, and Alberto Maganzini, who came down from Riva del Garda.
In conclusion, all of the ICBIE gang present in Rome give their heartfelt thanks to all the participants and their heartiest welcome to the new members: the support and sympathy that was shown will help us to commit ourselves even more strongly to our project, in the name of the “two Romes.”
Andrea Zeccato