Who we are
The ICBIE is a non-profit association, a multilingual cultural space that integrates diverse artistic areas, stimulating and encouraging cultural production, diffusion and circulation. With the relevant literary collection of the Leonardo da Vinci International Library (approximately 16,000 national and international titles), as an integral part of the ICBIE, it is possible to carry out diverse cultural activities that promote books and reading and promote other artistic genres: performing arts, visual arts, cinema and music, as well as training activities.
FOUNDER – Pietro Gallina
Paco Gomes – Artistic Director
Marlene R. Souza- President
Ivanildo Viana Sgura – 1st Vice President
Megmécia Prazeres Boaventura – 2nd Vice President
Roy H. Zimmerman – Honorary President
Marcella Sgura Viana – Honorary President

Active and Sporadic

Raquel Oliveira


Fábio Bastos

Talita Sueli

Andrea Zeccato

Victor Vittória

Júlio Costa

Luiz Santos

Jean Jesus

Géssica Lima