Saturday, December 4th, ICBIE hosted the presentation of the book “Os Poetas estão vivos” (The Poets Are Alive) by Cacau Novaes, who was the first vice president of the ICBIE and an important collaborator during the Institute’s first years of activity. The principal theme of this collection of poetry is an attempt to bring to life the poetry of Cervantes, Rimbaud and other important poets, using poems and not literary criticism: the choice of using poetry rather than prose was deliberate. For Cacau, poets are dreamers and they influenced him to the point that he dedicated 98 poems to them, instead of a simple essay.
Afterwards, there was a musical performance by the Belgian saxophonist Jan Rzewski, who played his improvisations along with Cacau, who declaimed several of his poems, creating an interesting fusion between poetry and gypsy, yiddish and jazz music, enchanting the public for twenty minutes. After that, the musicians of No de marinheiro played together with Roy Zimmerman, Marlene Rosa and Gessica Lima.
To close the evening, before the refreshments, Leonardo Prizes were given to Cacau, to No de marinheiro and to the publishing hous Pinauna, represented by Lucas.
Davide Stadirani