ME.PE. – MEmories of the PEninsula
As an integral part of the ICBIE, the ME.PE. – MEmórias da PEnínsula – was conceived and created by Pietro Gallina in 2014 to be a space for reference and preservation of a collection of memories of the Itapagipe Peninsula in the Lower City of Salvador de Bahia.
Since August 25, 2024, the ME.PE. space has revived its purpose by bringing more color and movement, in partnership with ATELIÊ POMAR, created and managed by the artist, Géssica Lima.
Your contribution will help to maintain the space and update the information it contains, continuing the necessary historical and photographic research activities on the Itapagipe Peninsula. In addition to the permanent exhibition, the project is also to hold periodic exhibitions on specific themes related to the Peninsula and its transformation today, promoting, for example, photographic competitions, debates, reports from old and new residents, among other possibilities.
In May 2014, the ICBIE inaugurated a new element to its “cultural building”: the project “ME.PE. – MEmórias da PEnínsula” (Memories of the Peninsula), an exhibition space and a large laboratory that opens a narration about the history of the Itapagipe Peninsula, in the lower city of Salvador.
This collection, mainly made up of photographic records, began with the personal research of the ICBIE’s founder and artistic director, Pietro Gallina, but it was assembled collaboratively as part of a strategy aiming to instigate and encourage the participation of the residents in the construction of this project, giving them the possibility of discussing their history through their memories.
“I believe that curating this collection is very important for our community, because its versatility allows it to be used by various audiences, from researchers to tourists interested in a deeper and more qualitative experience of our culture”
Pietro Gallina, curator of ME.PE and founder of the ICBIE – Institute of Culture Brazil Italy Europe.
The goal of ME.PE. is to become a place that stimulates the knowledge of one’s own territory, aimed at the local community, to instill a love for their land and to raise an awareness of the Peninsula’s history, thereby involving them in its defense, improvement and respect, by participating in cultural, touristic and sports activities.
Since August 25, 2024, the ME.PE space has revived its purpose by bringing more color and movement, in partnership with ATELIÊ POMAR, created and managed by the artist, Géssica Lima, since December 2020, which as the name suggests, is a plot of fruit trees and which will contribute with workshops and artistic, musical, poetic and literary meetings.
A space where visitors will find creation and exhibition in the same place, understanding and learning about a past full of rich memories and writing new stories, starting from the here and now.
ME.PE – Memories of the Peninsula and ATELIÊ POMAR, is open for visits on the following days and times:
- Tuesday and Thursday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
- Wednesday and Friday: visits by appointment only
- Saturday and Sunday: check availability.
Entrance from Rua Porto dos Tainheiros, 36
More information on Instagram: @icbiesalvador and @pomar.atelie

The historical and artistic wealth of Itapagipe is immense and can hardly be summed up in a page. A place of ships, religiosity, fishing, handicrafts, productive industries, popular festivals, soccer and rowing clubs.
We highlight some famous churches such as Bonfim and Boa Viagem, architectural monuments such as the former Fratelli Vita factory, Abrigo Dom Pedro II, Solar Amado Bahia, and Palacete Machado, which are true works of art.
There are also many important events that took place on the Peninsula:
The father of aviation, Santos Dumont, took part in one of the first regattas in Ribeira, thus beginning the glorious history of rowing clubs.
1922 to 1931
In the first air crossings of the South Atlantic, the pilots: Gago Coutinho – Portuguese, João Ribeiro de Barros – Brazilian and Italo Balbo – Italian, the latter with a squadron of 11 planes, made a stopover at the Ribeira hydroport.
Getúlio Vargas visited Brazil’s first oil well at Joanes-Lobato.
Pope John Paul II inaugurated the Alagados church and visited Sister Dulce. From the 1950s until 1964, the ICBIE mansion was the headquarters of E.C. Bahia.
The Itapagipe Peninsula, then, is extremely rich and dense with cultural and historical information and, for this reason, ME.PE wants to contribute to strengthening and preserving the memory of this territory.