Masked Parade Animates the Round-table Conversation of the LeiturArte Project
A lively parade of masked actors left the ICBIE, continuing the cultural activities of the LeiturArte Itapagipe Project with the ICBIE’s participation in the initiative Arte em Toda Parte Anno II, promoted by the Gregorio de Mattos Foundation of the City of Salvador. Now the Ribeira community will be able to participate in many other events such as this.
Last Saturday, February 28th, the artistic performance came as a surprise to many residents and visitors of the district, as it proceeded toward the Conselheiro Nabuco square, inviting everyone to participate in the “roundtable conversation,” an occasion for dialogue and encounter regarding the theme of the historical memory of Ribeira. The meeting in the square featured people who were invited to share their personal experiences in the district, along with other stories that happened there in the past. Afterward, a space was given to younger people, where they were able to speak of their own impressions and hopes for the future of Ribeira. The event ended with a meal of Italian pasta.
Adriele Alexandrino and Marjorie dos Anjos; photos by Antonello Veneri and Roy Zimmerman