Italian Language and Culture

Since 2005, the ICBIE has offered courses in Italian language and culture in Salvador.
Since the Leonardo da Vinci International Library is an integral part of the institute, we use its rich collection of Italian language and culture to promote the Italian culture through a variety of themes: literature, cinema, theater, art, gastronomy, architecture, tourism, fashion, music, etc.
We offer basic, intermediate and advanced Italian courses, and develop activities in several areas to stimulate our students’ learning.

Throughout these 15 years, we have promoted cineforums with themes such as: “Masters of Italian Cinema of yesterday and today”, “Fascism and new fascism in Italy from 1922 to 2008″, films with Anna Magnani in commemoration of her centennial”, etc.

Italian readings, “A Poem a Week,” “Canticle of the Creatures” in honor of Saint Francis, presentations of Italian books with the presence of the authors; Corrispondenze, by Mario Bortolotto; Oracoli & Miracoli, by Franco Mimmi, as well as books published in Portuguese by Italian authors: “Vidas em risco: quando a violência e o crime menaçao o mundo público e privado” by Gino Tapparelli, “Conde de Bagnoli – Defensor da Bahia” by Riccardo Fontana.

We also hold concerts, musical shows, and various meetings to promote Italian culture.