by Adriele Alexandrino
Last Saturday, 24/01, marked the opening night of the Leiturarte project, that, during the first semester of 2015, will promote various cultural activities at the ICBIE, Institute of Culture Brazil Italy Europe.
The artistic director of the Institute, Pietro Gallina presented the opening event, accompanied by representatives of the Pinauna publishers Carolina Dantas and Carol Garcia, along with ICBIE Vice President Marlene Rosa. After that, ICBIE students and collaborators read sonnets by authors from Petrarch to Gregorio de Mattos, in the original language and in Portuguese. In the same fashion, the poet Ivan Antonio recited his own poetry in Portuguese and Italian.
The evening continued outside, in the ICBIE space facing the sea, with the Little Theater Co., directed by Alex Nascimento, in a dramatic presentation of a poem by Castro Alves, The Slave Ship. Then the Afro-dance group, coordinated by the choreographer Emerson Ataide, presented a work inspired by a sonnet by Gregorio de Mattos.
After an intermission for cocktails, the event concluded with the musicians Maurissio Santti and Eduardo Brandao de Santana, who animated the party with various classics of Brazilian music, based on chorinho rhythms.
Through the LeiturArte Itapagipe project, the ICBIE responds to the demands of Arte em Toda Parte – Ano II, launched by the Gregorio de Mattos Foundation, a branch of the administration of the City of Salvador, and thanks to this participation, it can offer more to the local community.