In 2014, the Secretary of Culture of the State of Bahia awarded the ICBIE with formal recognition as a Point of Culture, which is a cultural initiative certified by the Ministry of Culture. Together, the Points of Culture represent a capillary social base with the power to penetrate into communities and territories, especially where the population is most vulnerable.
Due to a series of modifications in the legislation and the national cultural politics, this recognition became active only at the beginning of this year, 2016, and in May the ICBIE signed a contract with the Ministry of Culture. The ICBIE will realize, during the three years of the project’s duration, a series of initiatives that intend to improve the dynamics of the Institute’s activities and offer a constant and diversified programming to the public.

These activities will be realized in four-month cycles, starting in the month of September, including: cultural laboratories, diverse activities, cultural performances and evening events with discussions, the literary video Cafès.

These Cafès will be planned around specific thematics that will focus upon film projections followed by informal discussions.

The first event will confront the theme of Cinema and Sport, and will be realized during the first two weekends of September.

We will announce the detailed program in the near future.


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