Your donation will support

  • a student paying a monthly scholarship to attend a language course or other activity being offered at the association
  • the continued cataloging of the library
  • the maintenance and operation of the Me.Pe exhibition space
  • publicizing and strengthening Expressaê


The ‘ME.PE. – MEmórias da PEnínsula’, an exhibition space and a large laboratory that opens up the story of the history of the Itapagipe Peninsula, in the lower city of Salvador. We’ve reopened the doors and are letting visitors in.


The Leonardo da Vinci International Library, part of the ICBIE, houses around 16,000 titles in various languages, as well as CDs, LPs and DVDs covering diverse cultural fields such as music, theatre, literature, psychology, history, philosophy and the arts, including important works from the 18th and 19th centuries. We are currently restoring the library.


ICBIE Art and Craft Centre
The ICBIE centre opens its doors to artisans, craftspeople and artists to exhibit and sell their creations and handicrafts. The event takes place quarterly on the third Sunday of the month.