Last Tuesday, March 4th 2017, the ICBIE hosted a workshop, “Cultural Diagnosis of Salvador,” that has been held in various quarters of the Bahian capital and on Tuesday came to us in the Itapagipe peninsula. The objective, including our territory, is to stimulate a discussion on ways to improve and reinforce, through input from associations, artists and citizens, a dialog regarding the cultural scene in the Cidade Baixa for the coming year. These workshops are organized by the Gregório de Mattos Foundation, complementing the Municipal Cultural Plan that is being developed by the Secretary of Culture and Tourism, through the Municipal Council for Cultural Politics of the city of Salvador.
The meeting held at the ICBIE saw the participation of a dozen associations in the Cidade Baixa (Rede Cammpi, ABEAC, Espaço Cultural Alagados, Associação de Moradores do Conjunto Santa Luzia, Reprotai, Associação Cidade Baixa-ACCBX, AMAI, ICTS, Prefeitura Bairro – Cidade Baixa), capoeira groups (UNICAR, Arte Negra, Os Bambas), rowing clubs (Clube Península, São Salvador) and citizens of the Itapagipe community. Acting as mediators and coordinators of the workshop were several members of the “Cria rumo consultoria”. They proposed the questions regarding the cultural actions present in our territory, how to improve them, and how to create a synergy between residents and local associations, in order to reinforce and to have more weight in the relations between public entities and private enterprises. Then small groups were created among the roughly fifty participants, to discuss and deepen some select activities to undertake, in schools, among artists, athletes and the local population.