ICBIE news

Another Fellini Cineforum!
This week's ICBIE Cineforum continues this month's theme regarding women with Federico Fellini's early masterpiece, La Strada, with the director's wife, Giulietta Mesina in the lead role (along with Anthony Quinn). O ICBIE, através do Prêmio Mais Cultura, gostaria de...
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Our Historic Casarão
Well, here's an interesting revelation about our beautiful old building on the bay in Ribeira:  for a time, it was the headquarters of the Bahia soccer club!  Pietro discovered this amazing fact when he was asked if a film troupe...
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An Open Letter from Silvia
(English translation below) Quando sono partita per Salvador, per Ribeira, per l’Icbie, non sapevo assolutamente cosa mi avrebbe aspettato, cosa avrei trovato esattamente. Semplicemente sapevo che ci sarebbe stato da fare e questo non mi spaventava, anzi mi entusiasmava. Era...
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Ciao, Silvia — Come Back Soon!
CIAO SILVIA, TORNA PRESTO!!!! (English translation below) Dopo l´allegria e la soddisfazione dello spettacolo “Cidade em perigo”, arriva l´amarezza della partenza e del distacco. Oggi, infatti, ritorna in Italia Silvia, definita da tutti, la luce e la forza motrice della...
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A Dead Dragon and a Huge Success!
The most ambitious ICBIE theater production in recent memory delighted the audiences for three nights last week.  Here's what Pietro had to say about it, followed by an introduction to the work and its plot. (English translation below) sì, gli...
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Good News from Júlio
Tonight is the big show.  We're all curious to know how it will go, and so this reassuring note from Júlio Costa is a balm for our nerves.  He and Bigod have been in Rio for a month, and this...
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Theater Time?
As Franz Liszt said, "a theatre receives recognition through its initiative."  To produce an operetta is a formidable task anywhere, but to pull it off in Ribeira requires an almost superhuman dose of initiative.  Fortunately, no one loves impossible challenges...
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Cineforum: Sissi
Tomorrow night's Cineforum, as part of this month's cycle dedicated to Women, will take us to Bavaria and Vienna, with the intriguing story of the Empress Sissi, starring the unforgettable Romy Schneider. O ICBIE, através do Prêmio Mais Cultura, gostaria...
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ICBIE Courses in Italian and Computer Maintenance Begin
With Marlene's return from her triumphant concert tour of Italy, the ICBIE team is once again complete, and next week, with the support of the Prêmio Mais Cultura,  a new cycle of courses will begin, with Basic and Intermediate Italian...
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August Cineforum Dedicated to Women
With the new month, a new cycle of films at the ICBIE Cineforum.  This time the theme is "Women," and we'll kick off with Olga (2004), the gripping story of Olga Benario, the wife of Brazil's most famous Communist leader,...
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