
The 10th Annual Italian Language in the World Week
This week, the city of Salvador, like hundreds of important cities around the globe, is celebrating the Italian language, and the ICBIE is playing a major role, along with the Federal University of Bahia.  Yesterday Marlene, together with our friend...
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More News of Children’s Day in Saramandaia
(Italian & Portuguese translations below) During the event on the 12th of October, celebrating Children's Day in Saramandaia, one of Salvador's televisions, Globo, captured some footage of the activities that were going on. TV Bahia then put together a sequence...
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Cineforum: Dona Flor and her Two Husbands
Tonight's film, like the one last week, is based upon a classic work of Brazilian literature, this time by Salvador's own Jorge Amado. ------------- O ICBIE, juntamente com a SECULT, através do Projeto Leitura, Arte e Inclusão Digital na Cidade...
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Paranaguá Reports on the Nova10Ordem Birthday Party
Of course yesterday was the big party for the thirteenth birthday of the Nova10Ordem graffiti crew.  There was a big turnout and a good time was had by all.  Rumor has it that Júlio was all choked up with emotion....
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New Italian Cinema in Salvador
Ieri sera, 7 ottobre, una rappresentanza ICBIE - composta dal Presidente Pietro Gallina, la professoressa di italiano Marcella Sgura, gli studenti di italiano Valdenice e Ivanildo e la nostra amica sostenitrice Veronique - ha partecipato alla prima serata della rassegna...
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Cineforum: The Posthumous Memoirs of Bras Cubas
Tomorrow night's film is a free adaptation of a milestone book in Latin American literature: The Posthumous Memoirs of Bras Cubas, written in 1881 by Joaquim Maria Machado de Assis, notable for its fragmented episodic structure and irrational, dream-like stories,...
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A Giant Anniversary for Nova10Ordem
This Sunday afternoon at 5 PM, there will be a big party and collective exposition of artworks in the trendy bar Mumbaba in Rio Vermelho, to celebrate the thirteenth anniversary of the venerable crew of street artists Nova10Ordem.   These...
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Street Art Week in Saramandaia
Projeto “Leitura, Arte e Inclusão Digital na Cidade Baixa” realiza a I Semana de Arte de Ruade 05 a 12 de Outubro no Bairro Saramandaia. Através do projeto “Leitura Arte e Inclusão Digital na Cidade Baixa” o Instituto Cultural Brasil...
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Tonight’s Cineforum: Grande Sertão Veredas
Tonight's film was inspired by one of the great novels of the twentieth century, João Guimarães Rosa's Grande Sertão: Veredas.  The English title, which besides being unrecognizably different is almost a spoiler, is The Devil to Pay in the Backlands. ...
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ICBIE Meets with the Arte e Lavoro School of Mata Escura
INCONTRO BILATERALE  ICBIE - ESCOLA ARTE E LAVORO DE MATA ESCURA (Portuguese & English translations below) Quando l´ICBIE stava cercando artisti di strada (Artistas de Rua o Street Artists) per realizzare il Mosaico delle Muse lungo il muro del Casarao, all'altezza della Biblioteca Leonardo da Vinci, abbiamo avuto...
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