
Party Time for ICBIE Europa!
Starting at 8 PM tomorrow night, ICBIE Europa will celebrate with its Roman friends at our favorite Brazilian nightclub, Beba do Samba.  It will kick off with an apertif, followed by workshops in Brazilian dances, some literary incursions honoring Black...
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Captains of the Sand at Tonight’s Cineforum
As part of this month's cycle dedicated to contemporary Brazilian cinema, tonight's ICBIE Cineforum presents the 2011 film Capitães da Areia, based upon Jorge Amado's novel of the same name.  It is a gripping story of a gang of abandoned street kids...
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Where’s the Beauty? – Photography by Marco Illuminati
Marco Illuminati is a dear friend of the ICBIE in Salvador.  His passion for photography is wed with his deep understanding of the city's most difficult areas, and his work aims to capture the depth of human emotions he has...
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Dona Cecy Ramos and Itapagipe
(English and Portuguese translations below) DONA CECY RAMOS E ITAPAGIPE Oggi, giovedi 30 agosto, l´ICBIE ha accolto la visita di circa 40 adolescenti che frequentano il Colégio Portinari nel quartiere di Costa Azul (Cidade Alta) e per l´occasione, grazie all´organizzazione...
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A Word of Thanks
Nel suo ultimo viaggio in Europa e negli Stati Uniti, Pietro ha raccolto, come sempre, dimostrazioni di solidarietá e tanta voglia di collaborazione da parte di vecchi e nuovi sostenitori del progetto ICBIE. Vogliamo, per tanto, ringraziare per il loro...
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Paraguaná’s Blog Reports on the Street Art Museum Opening
Because it affects so many ICBIE people, and because street art has always been one of our central focuses, it seems appropriate to encourage everyone to have a look at the amazing article by our friend Paranaguá regarding the opening...
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TeveRIO! ICBIE Benefit in Rome
Continuing a cherished springtime tradition that spans back seven years now, the ICBIE is putting on another great event in Rome.  This Saturday, May 26th, we will take over the newly refurbished Blow Up River Café, which is located on a...
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Registration and Auditions for ICBIE Theater Workshop
Inscrições Abertas para Oficinas Teatrais. Gostaríamos de informar que o ICBIE está com inscrições abertas para oficinas teatrais. Inscrições até o dia 04 de maio. Valor da inscrição: R$ 10,00. Dias e horários das oficinas: todos os sábados das 14h30h...
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Shakespeare Month at the ICBIE Cineforum
With the new month, a new theme for the Cineforum.  This time it's a heavy-duty one: Shakespeare.  And to kick things off, tomorrow night will host Franco Zeffirelli's sumptuous setting of Hamlet with Mel Gibson and Glenn Close.   Please...
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