Here in Brazil, when something is really good and it comes to an end, they say that it leaves “a feeling that I want more,” and that is exactly what happened with with Sixth Exhibition of Art and Culture in the Itapagipe Peninsula, which concluded during last weekend, on the 21st of September.
It was the product of a conglomeration of associations and civil society groups in the Cidade Baixa (the CAAMPI network), and the exposition of the artists, the central part of the show, was open to visitors during the whole week at our center, here at the ICBIE in Ribeira.
The flow of visitors to the exposition was impressive, and the works of the artists from the Itapagipe peninsua were admired by more than 200 people. Among these, professors from the School of Fine Arts of the UFBA and classes of the primary school Scuola Comunitaria Luiza Mahin and the elementary and middle school students from the Escola da Península.
For those who didn’t have a chance to come to see the exposition of our artists, here is a gallery of photos in our blog, including images of each one of the beautiful works. All you have to do is click and enjoy!