David Moncada, Our New English Teacher

David Moncada - English


Starting the first week of November, the ICBIE has re-activated its courses in basic and intermediary English, as well as a basic French course, thanks to the arrival to our staff of a young volunteer, David. David lives in France, where he is enrolled in university, studying foreign languages, and in fact, he is a good teacher, despite the fact that his real passion is for theater, improvisation, dance and the circus.  Because of this, his lessons are lively and full of motion, and his enthusiasm inevitably infects all the students. Naturally, David immediately joined in with the ICBIE theater group;  while participating in their Saturday rehearsals, David shares some of his techniques and experiences with them. David, besides teaching here at the ICBIE, agreed to go twice a week to the Santa Luzia association in Uruguai, where he teaches two classes, each one with about fifteen adolescents and young adults who are part of the Rede Reprotai (Network of Protagonists in Action of Itapagipe – http://redereprotai.blogspot.com.br/).

David Moncada - English David Moncada - English

David Moncada - English David Moncada - English

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