Creative Territory

Creative Territory Meeting

This year, the SEBRAE (Brazilian Support Service for small and medium-sized businesses) project, “Creative Territories,” continues to operate in Salvador.  The city has been subdivided into nine creative territories, and the ICBIE, along with other associations (espaço cultural Alagados, Fabrica Cultural, the CAMPI network, ABEAC, the rowing federation, etc.) located in the Itapagipe peninsula, is part of the Ribeira-Bomfin Territory.

The goal is to promote the territory and its local productive, cultural and artistic activities, especially in view of the expected arrival of tourists for the World Cup Soccer finals.

On Monday, November 18th, the weekly meeting of the coordinating group met at the ICBIE to confirm the calendar of traditional events that are held each year in the Itapagipe peninsola.

Creative Territory Meeting

Creative Territory Meeting

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