After a long and difficult period amidst the Covid 19 pandemic, this year, finally, the ICBIE is timidly resuming its activities, to the joy of us all. It broke our hearts to see such a beautiful, functional space with its doors closed, empty and dark… it was a contrast to what the ICBIE really is and always has been. The Institute of Culture Brazil Italy Europe is a place for joy, movement, interaction and the exchange of knowledge.

Finally, after exactly two years of almost total inactivity, the ICBIE is slowly returning to its normal schedule, with courses, workshops, diversified activities and new audiences. One of the most beautiful things about this return is that the ICBIE’s alumni are the protagonists of the proposed activities! This proves that our mission is paying off big.

On the second Saturday of March, the course “Observation Drawing” and the workshop “Introduction to Graffiti” began. Both activities are led by our former student Josemar Oliveira (Sagaz), who has been with us since 2008, and his friend “Pipino”. Josemar is also helping in the development, management and maintenance of our new website and institutional blog, besides being the creator of all the posters and art to promote the activities!

In the following week of the same month, the basic and intermediate English course started, this time conducted by our former student Meg Boaventura, who has also been with us since 2008. The classes take place in the late afternoon on Mondays and Wednesdays.

Capoeira classes are also present, bringing life and movement every Monday and Wednesday nights at the Institute’s headquarters, always led by the capoeira master “Avestruz” from the UNICAR group, a partnership that has been consolidated since 2012.

On Fridays, films following a specific theme are shown at our cineforum, which in this month of April brought children along with their families to watch films about “Education”.

On Saturday afternoons, our alumna Natielly Santos leads the theater workshops in the blue hall of the ICBIE.

Usually on Tuesday and Thursday mornings, our honorary member, Roy Zimmerman, who has been with us since the founding of the ICBIE, has been giving trumpet and trombone  lessons to his regular students.

And we don’t stop there! This April we will begin Afro Dance workshops with our former student, Luque Henry. There will be lively Saturday afternoons.

We are still not fully serving the public, but we hope that soon we will be able to go back to operating 100%, offering our services to the whole community. Stay tuned to our social networks so you can follow us closely, or come join us! Together we are even stronger.

See you soon.

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