
Street Art for the Iemanjá Festival
It took the upcoming Festa de Iemanjá (Feb. 2) to get our friend Paranaguá out of hiding, with this fine new article about Salvador Street Art, and we thank him heartily. (English translation below.) Festa de Iemanjá: Vitrine para artistas...
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Happy Birthday Júlio!
Today Júlio Costa celebrates his thirtieth birthday and the entire ICBIE community wishes him all the good luck and happiness in the world. Júlio was one of the very first students at the ICBIE and he went on the first...
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Accademia della Follia in Salvador
The ICBIE is happy to announce that the "Academy of Madness," a theatrical company directed by the actor Claudio Misculin, which was born in the old psychiatric hospital of Trieste, Italy, is on tour in Brazil. They will present a...
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Cineforum: Cinema Paradiso
Tomorrow's ICBIE Cineforum will feature the Oscar winning film by Giuseppe Tornatore, Cinema Paradiso.  Released in 1989, its Italian title was preserved for all international versions, for once. O ICBIE, juntamente com a SECULT, através do Projeto Leitura, Arte e...
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Health & Wellness Workshop
PALESTRA "SAUDE E BEM ESTAR" (English translation below) Sabato scorso, 6 novembre, il workshop del fitoterapista e specializzato in agopuntura Benedito C. Gandra, é stato seguito da un nutrito pubblico. Molto interessanti i consigli e le regole per stare bene...
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More News of the Nova10Ordem Party
10 do 10 do 2010 Una data evocativa per commemorare il compleanno della Crew Nova10Ordem, un gran bell´evento organizzato in un bar di Rio Vermelho. Approfittando delle pareti di un locale quasi abbandonato al primo piano del bar Mumbaba i...
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Paranaguá Reports on the Nova10Ordem Birthday Party
Of course yesterday was the big party for the thirteenth birthday of the Nova10Ordem graffiti crew.  There was a big turnout and a good time was had by all.  Rumor has it that Júlio was all choked up with emotion....
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New Italian Cinema in Salvador
Ieri sera, 7 ottobre, una rappresentanza ICBIE - composta dal Presidente Pietro Gallina, la professoressa di italiano Marcella Sgura, gli studenti di italiano Valdenice e Ivanildo e la nostra amica sostenitrice Veronique - ha partecipato alla prima serata della rassegna...
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A Giant Anniversary for Nova10Ordem
This Sunday afternoon at 5 PM, there will be a big party and collective exposition of artworks in the trendy bar Mumbaba in Rio Vermelho, to celebrate the thirteenth anniversary of the venerable crew of street artists Nova10Ordem.   These...
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ICBIE Meets with the Arte e Lavoro School of Mata Escura
INCONTRO BILATERALE  ICBIE - ESCOLA ARTE E LAVORO DE MATA ESCURA (Portuguese & English translations below) Quando l´ICBIE stava cercando artisti di strada (Artistas de Rua o Street Artists) per realizzare il Mosaico delle Muse lungo il muro del Casarao, all'altezza della Biblioteca Leonardo da Vinci, abbiamo avuto...
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