ICBIE Europa’s Samba Summer on the Beach
Maybe it was because Pietro was in town, but the Rome office of ICBIE Europa...
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A Shindig in the Country
 Arrasta pé em Sapé (English translation below) Muita animação, num clima de festejos juninos, no...
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D’Artagnan in Berlin?
Special thanks to our good friend Gesa Chomé for this exciting news regarding Pietro's efforts...
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Festa per la Cultura in Rome
O ICBIE Europa onlus está mais uma vez presente num evento cultural importante na capital...
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A New Antiprohibitionist Movement
Thanks to our dear friend Mary Norris for sending this picture, taken of a window...
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Texas Connection
Estudantes do Texas visitam ICBIE A mensagem postada na última terça-feira, 2, no meu site...
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A Report from Marcella
(English translation below) Ciao a tutti cari amici del nostro blog. Sono tornata per la...
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ICBIE at the International Short Film Festival – Trevignano
Last night, thanks to the efforts of two talented and resourceful young women, the ICBIE...
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A Day on the Lagoon
More news of the famous ICBIE - Projeto de Rua European tour keeps trickling in. ...
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Alagados Buzz
It's always nice to see that the message is spreading.  Who would ever have imagined...
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