Júlio’s New Website
Everyone who is even vaguely acquainted with the ICBIE knows Júlio.  Well, now you can...
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Italian for Foreigners in Rome
AULA DI ITALIANO PER STRANIERI (English translation below) L'ICBIE Europa ONLUS ha attivato il corso...
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The Salvador Grafita Project Meets Italian Artist Giuliano Ottaviani
(English translation below) O coordenador do Projeto Grafita Salvador, Edvandro “Tucunaré” Castro, a assessora Déa...
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A Day in Santo Amaro with Paranaguá
While Celeste and Veronique were staying at the ICBIE during the holidays, they visited the...
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News from ICBIE Europa in Rome
It's been awhile since news has been posted here, but that's not to say that...
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Course Offerings 2010
(Portuguese and English translations below) Grazie alla convenzione stipulata con la Prefeitura di Salvador ed...
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Biro Biro at Work
The new school year will be starting in less than a month, after carnival has...
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Você já foi à Bahia
Reveillon 09 (Romaine, Jean-Michel, Johann, Kelly, Véronique, Tom e Céleste) "Você já foi à Bahia,...
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Bom aniversário Júlio!
For everyone who even vaguely knows about the ICBIE, Júlio Costa immediately comes to mind. ...
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Progress in the ICBIE Library
(English translation below) Projeto da biblioteca em andamento O ICBIE juntamente com a SECULT (Secretaria...
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