ICBIE news

The First Public Performance of the ICBIE Afro-Dance Group
APRESENTAÇÃO DE DANÇA AFRO (Italian and English translations below) O grupo de alunas do novo curso de dança afro do ICBIE, teve a oportunidade de se apresentar em público e mostrar todo o talento e a potencialidade delas.  Quarta feira...
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ICBIE Europa Kicks Off a New Season
Summer is over and ICBIE Europa held its first assembly after the holidays.  More than a dozen people showed up for a three hour meeting and barbeque on Loona's terrace, enjoying the brilliant sunshine and the panoramic view.  Everyone had...
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OBRIGADO, CATHERINE! (Italian and English translations below) A semana passada Catherine Hutt concluiu as aulas do curso de inglês. Com já aconteceu com os outros professores ela também deixou muita saudade nos alunos. Organizamos uma pequena confraternização para nos despedir...
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Hollywood in Ribeira
ESTENDA A MÃO VOCÊ TAMBEM (Italian and English translations below) O ICBIE foi o cenário para a gravação de um breve vídeo da turma da UFBA coordenada por Meg. Os estudantes escolheram realizar um breve comercial para apoiar a campanha...
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…and There Was Light!
As we constantly work to recruit new students for our courses and to find a wider public for our events, local people, especially those who work in the city center and return after dark, keep telling us that they were...
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Capoeira Classes at the ICBIE
AULAS DE CAPOEIRA NO ICBIE (Italian and English translations below) Faz já quase um ano que o ICBIE hospeda na sua sala multifuncional as aulas de capoeira regional do grupo UNICAR Cidade Baixa (https://www.facebook.com/unicar.pedrafurada). Grupo histórico fundado pelo Mestre Zambi...
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ICBIE Europa Italian for Foreigners Class Makes a Splash in Rome
Today a beautiful long article by Sandra Fetticci appeared on the website of  Piuculture.it describing Loona's course of Italian for Foreigners.  For non-Italian speakers, here is a summary in English. During a hot Monday evening in July, strolling along Via...
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Afro-Dance Lessons with Prof. Emerson Ataide
(Italian and English translations below) AULA DE DANÇA-AFRO COM O PROFESSOR EMERSON ATAIDE As aulas de dança afro no ICBIE começaram em datas próximas as festas juninas e por isso não tiveram, no início, uma grande participação de público. Mas...
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Another Party Marks the Changing of the Guard in ICBIE English Courses
Last night the ICBIE was enlivened by another one of those bittersweet moments, when the students got together to celebrate the completion of their English courses held by the brilliant team of Peter Ahlers and Elizabeth Akinsamni, two remarkable volunteers...
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ICBIE Europa: Leaner and Meaner
As I write, Pietro is taking off from Fiumicino airport, headed back to Bahia.  As always, his weeks in Rome gave a great boost to all the folks at ICBIE Europa, and during all the dinners and get-togethers, important ideas...
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