Cineforum on Friday: “An Inconvenient Truth”
This week's cineforum continues the cycle of films regarding environmental issues with Al Gore's revelatory...
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Paranaguá to Give a Workshop on Salvador’s Water Supply
To celebrate the United Nations' world water month, the ICBIE has invited our friend José...
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Big Thanks to Esme, Our English Teacher!
Le lezioni di inglese,  cominciate giá da un paio di settimane, hanno registrato il tutto...
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Keep Coming Back, Ivo!
VOLTE SEMPRE, IVO! Il nostro amico Ivo Müller, cuoco ben affermato a Zurigo e volontario...
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The ICBIE Cineforum Is Back!
After the break from the beginning of the year to carnival, the ICBIE  returns to...
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Mad Dash
SPRINT FINALE Domani cominciano le lezioni di inglese con Esme e tutti si stanno dando...
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Roof Works’ End, a Welcome and a Big Birthday
LAVORI ALL´ICBIE E FESTEGGIAMENTI La settimana scorsa i muratori hanno concluso dopo 2 mesi di...
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An Urgent Appeal
A new roof to shelter ICBIE's dreams! As many of ICBIE's supporters, friends, volunteers and...
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A Going-Away Party for Bob the Best
Despedida de Roberto Roberto, o nosso Bob the best, terminou suas férias em Salvador. Sábado,...
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Happy New Year!
Here is a lively description of the special New Year's Eve party at the ICBIE...
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