ICBIE Europa: Leaner and Meaner
As I write, Pietro is taking off from Fiumicino airport, headed back to Bahia.  As...
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ICBIE Language Courses, Full Steam Ahead
CURSOS DE LÍNGUA NO ICBIE (Italian and English translations below) O ICBIE continua oferecendo cursos...
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Bahian Rowing Championship 2013
CAMPEONATO BAIANO DE REMO 2013 (Italian and English translations below) Ontem, domingo 9 de junho,...
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New ICBIE Course Offerings
A host of new ICBIE courses will be starting soon!  Three levels of English, Beginning...
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ICBIE’s Big Night in Rome
This photo pretty well sums up the evening, with Pietro surrounded by his bevvy of...
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ICBIE Party Friday Night in Rome!
It's that time of year again, when the ICBIE gathers together all its Roman supporters...
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A Visit from Local Students
Hoje, 13 de maio o ICBIE recebeu a visita de 3 estudantes da Escola da...
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New English Classes Begin May 21st
O ICBIE - Instituto de Cultura Brasil Itália Europa - abre inscrições para cursos de:...
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Ciao, Ramon!
Tchau, Ramon! Segunda-feira dia 29 de abril terminou o curso de espanhol feito pelo nosso...
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Art History with Francesca Giaroli
As a special gift to our community, the ICBIE is happy to announce a two-part...
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